Vinpocetine Improves Circulation to Brain

vinpocetine-500x500The Vinpocetine supplement is said to boost blood flow to the brain as tests reveal that it does cross to blood brain barrier.

Its origin is from the periwinkle plant, (did you even know there was a plant called the periwinkle?) as well as improving blood flow it is thought it is thought to protect nerves suffering from injury. Vinpocetine is now being studied for its part in assisting those with cerebrovascular disease.

Vinpocetine is widely used in Japan, Hungary, Germany, Poland and Russia for the treatment of cerebrovascular-related pathologies. The human studies indicate that it works best when problems are not too advanced. This is because nutrition works with existing situations to help guide their improvement. It is like wrinkled skin – it is best to start working on the issue before it gets too far along. 

In a new study, U.S. researchers demonstrated that vinpocetine inhibits damaged LDL cholesterol from forming plaque in the arteries. They concluded, “Given the excellent safety profile of vinpocetine, this study suggests vinpocetine may be a therapeutic candidate for treating atherosclerosis.”
Vinpocetine is widely used in Japan, Hungary, Germany, Poland and Russia for the treatment of cerebrovascular-related pathologies. The human studies indicate that it works best when problems are not too advanced.