Compare Methods of Chelation Therapy

We have compared some of the leading products available that market Chelation Therapy.  You will find them all dedicated to offer a product that will help you achieve your goals.

We have used the industry standard of 90 grams, along with their recommended daily servings and the Physician’s Desk Reference (PDR) for determining average absorption rates, as our guideline for comparing methods.

Compare Methods of Chelation Therapy

Pills and Capsules

Company: Health Resources

Serving: Each serving (4 capsules per serving) contains 200mg

Absorption Rate: Pills & Capsules 10% approx. With a 10% absorption, each serving (4 capsules) effective EDTA would be 20 mg. In comparing the 90 grams, you would need 4,500 servings (18,000 capsules!) or 150 bottles!

Amount needed: 150 bottles @ $254.00 per 12 bottles = $3,175.00

Cost Per Gram: $35.28


Oral Liquid

Company: Angioprim

Serving: 15ml 1/2 oz. dropper bottle – 400+ drops per bottle. Average daily intake: 1/2 bottle. Each bottle contains 15 grams per bottle.

Absorption Rate: Liquids can provide up to 95%+ absorption rate

Amount Needed: In comparing the 90 grams, it would require 6 bottles. 6 bottle package of Angioprim = $299.00

Cost Per Gram: $3.33


Oral Liquid

Company: Cardio Renew

Serving: 30ml / 1oz. dropper bottle – 1000+ drops per bottle. Average individual serving: 14 drops = 450mg. Each bottle contains 70+ doses or 30+ grams per bottle.

Absorption Rate: Liquids can provide up to 95%+ absorption rate

Amount Needed: In comparing the 90 grams, it would require 3 bottles. 3 bottle package of Cardio Renew = $129.95

Cost Per Gram: $1.44



Company: Medicardium

Serving: Each suppository contains 365mg .

Absorption Rate: Suppositories can provide up to 95%+ absorption rate

Each package has 10 suppositories – 6 packs @ $414.00.

Amount Needed: In taking 95% absorption, each suppository’s would be 347 mg. In comparing the 90 grams, it would require 260 suppositories or 26 packages.

Total Cost = $1,793.86

Cost Per Gram: $19.93
