Quite often diagnosing PAD can be simply a formality. Most people who have PAD realise that something is not quite right as they are finding it more difficult to walk and that they get out of breath more easily. But what is the correct medical diagnosis? Actually its very simple and doesn’t involve any pain you’ll be glad to hear!
Widely used is the ankle-brachial method where they take your blood pressure at the upper arm but also take it at the ankle, the pressure in your legs should be greater than in the arm so if there is a significant difference more than likely PAD will be diagnosed.
These days it does help to be pro-active with your own health and you could do this test yourself with a home BP machine, but if you do make sure to follow up with your Doctor for a professional diagnosis. Other tests are available and your Doctor will advise you if these are necessary.
Leg pain with activity could signal circulation problems – Sulphur Daily News
When the body is active, blood is pumping throughout the body to meet the demands of the muscles at work. With PAD, the long arteries in the leg become narrow, causing blood flow throughout the legs and feet to slow. When the muscles don’t receive adequate blood flow, they begin to hurt.
This muscle pain is known as claudation and it occurs when there is too little blood flow during active period. It is a common symptom with PAD, which is a serious but treatable circulation problem.
The good news is that if you have been diagnosed with PAD you can do something about it. Eat more healthily and take some regular exercise, embark on an Oral EDTA Chelation course to see fast results.