Chelation Therapy Testimonials

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Hi! I just got the results of my nuclear stress test (first one since my three stents were put in last year), and not only did I achieve 150% of the predicted exercise capacity for my age and have no chest pain at peak exercise, the imaging showed “no evidence of ischemia or scar.” That last was underlined by my cardiologist with an exclamation point after. In other words, my heart is clear of blockage.

So…when the doctor gets around to asking me what I’m doing that my heart is in such fine condition, I’m going to tell her about Cardio Renew. I’ve kept my mouth shut before because I was pretty certain they’d tell me not to take it. You know how doctors can get….if it’s cheap and it works and makes you all better without any expensive interventions on their part, it’s a no-no. However, I decided when the chest pains came back after the stents were installed that I needed to do something myself. That’s when I found your website and ordered my first batch of Cardio Renew. I’m on a maintenance dose now of 20 drops once or twice a day. I keep up with my Vitamins C and E, and so far, so good! Thanks a million for all your replies to my questions, also. The doctors should be so quick to respond! I feel really lucky to have found you!!
Mary C.

Yes, I wrote two months ago. I had a 5x elevated aluminum excretion in a 24 hour urine collection for heavy metals. I used your program for a little over five weeks, and a week later repeated the 24 hour urine. I lowered my aluminum to normal range. The 24 hour excretion before Cardiorenew was 160 micrograms; after Cardiorenew, 26 micrograms in 24 hours. Thank you!!
Dan H. MD

I was diagnosed with PAD and was finding it more and more difficult to walk and was sure I was headed towards a wheel chair. I’ve been on Cardio Renew for 3 1/2 weeks now and find this stuff nothing short of a miracle. I can WALK!!!!!! My legs are not yet 100% but I’m sure they will be soon. I’ve managed to avoid the procedures that the doctors wanted to do on me. None of them made any sense to me. They wouldn’t solve the problem and only temporarily relieve the symptoms, maybe. If my femoral arteries were clogged then surely other arteries must be clogged. This EDTA cleanses my whole body and not just a part. I am so grateful for this product and I feel blessed that I found my way to your website. Thank you! Thank you!
Wanda B.

After going through the basic program twice and then the maintenance for a few months, I, just yesterday, completed an entire physical and a complete cardio testing including echocardiograms, EKGs and the dreaded treadmill. Results were extradorinary. My calcified aortic valve, that had a year replacement timeframe, is clear and working fine. Carotid ateries are clear. My five “obstructions” have disappeared. All my bloodwork came back right on the mark. My MD and cardiologist were elated and the cardiologist said “You just can’t argue with proven results.”
Evan R.

I have been using Cardio Renew for two years after two by-pass operations and just got a clearance from my heart doctor that I will not need a third by-pass. My heart is strong as a 30 year old and I am 68. My arthritis is gone and my hair is growing back fast. It seems that cleaning out all my arteries has given my body a chance to regenerate all organs. As a retired fraud investigator, your product is what it says. I could go on about all the benefits I have received but it would be too long of a letter. I have documentation on what it has done in all areas of my body. I strongly recommend your product to everyone even my doctors who are specialists. I am now using it for AMD, the dry type and if it did for my heart it should unplug the veins in my eye. My eye doctor told me keep using it because their is no cure for it. Thanks for all the information you have on your site so others can get it.
Earl M.

Hi! I just got the results of my nuclear stress test (first one since my three stents were put in last year), and not only did I achieve 150% of the predicted exercise capacity for my age and have no chest pain at peak exercise, the imaging showed “no evidence of ischemia or scar.” That last was underlined by my cardiologist with an exclamation point after. In other words, my heart is clear of blockage.

So…when the doctor gets around to asking me what I’m doing that my heart is in such fine condition, I’m going to tell her about Cardio Renew. I’ve kept my mouth shut before because I was pretty certain they’d tell me not to take it. You know how doctors can get….if it’s cheap and it works and makes you all better without any expensive interventions on their part, it’s a no-no. However, I decided when the chest pains came back after the stents were installed that I needed to do something myself. That’s when I found your website and ordered my first batch of Cardio Renew. I’m on a maintenance dose now of 20 drops once or twice a day. I keep up with my Vitamins C and E, and so far, so good! Thanks a million for all your replies to my questions, also. The doctors should be so quick to respond! I feel really lucky to have found you!!
Mary C.

You may remember that I recently completed my first foundation program, with good results, and was very pleased. I sent you an email at the time indicating that. I also said that even though I hadn’t gotten the “miraculous” results I had found in some of your testimonials I was quite pleased. Well, the results I got may well have been much more miraculous than I at first realized. I believe I said that my wife had told me my color was better afterward; what she didn’t tell me was that I had gone from what she now calls a death pallor to something akin to normalcy!

She says that in her opinion I had been rapidly weakening and she had begun wondering if I just wasn’t going to wake up one morning. She didn’t share those thoughts with me until just the other day. So, thanks for giving me my life back. That’s clearly enough of a miracle for me! I just thought you should know.
Bill B.

I’ve been on Cardio Renew for 6 days and can hardly believe the improvements!! I was skeptical the day we ordered the product but having given up everything I enjoyed doing due to physical issues it was time to do something! I told my family that I wanted to try an alternative approach as it would only mean 6 weeks then I would agree to surgery if this did not work. It makes sense that blockages occur all over the body not just one area.

In 6 days the foggy thinking is going away (the worst of all of this) and I “feel” like doing things again. I can plan on a future different than the one my parents have (being on 20 different meds a day to control their health issues). Thank you for making this product available and giving me what I need to get my life back. P.S. I have noticed, improved breathing, less muscle pain, my arthritis is not bothering me as it was, the circles under my eyes are all but gone, I need fewer naps, I think more clearly without 2nd guessing every decision, the bruise like pain along the deep varicose veins in my legs is gone, my skin color is better, I can even play with my dog again. I’m looking forward to completing this program and optimistic about my life again.
Polly S.

Hi, I’m a 56 year old woman and I just wanted to let you know that my results with Cardio Renew were pretty amazing! My total cholesterol on 10-7-05 was 291. My good cholesterol [HDL] was high also so that part was good but the LDL [bad cholesterol] was197! My doctor said it was extremely high and wanted to put me on medicine but I told him I wanted to try natural methods first. My brother had found out about Cardio Renew and he sent me a bottle. I decided I would take it for 6 weeks so I ordered 2 more bottles. I took it for 4 weeks and then I took my minerals for a week because I’m used to taking large amounts of high quality minerals and I didn’t want to get too depleted. Then I took the Cardio Renew 1 more week. I never did take the last week of it. I thought maybe it wasn’t working because I didn’t feel any different. I went back for another blood test on 2-16-06. My total cholesterol was 225!!! My bad cholesterol was down to 143! He said nothing more about putting me on medicine. He was very happy with my new results! Thank you for you product and your helpful attitude when I called with questions.
Marleen I.

I have been on Cardio Renew for 2 weeks. The last few days I have felt so good. I have energy!! I am getting my house cleaned and I feel like I could run around the block. I am also not depressed any more. This stuff is amazing. I have spent thousands of dollars on health products through the years that didn’t do anything. I am so glad I ordered this even though I thought it was expensive. It was well worth it. You can’t put a price on feeling good. Thank you!
Becky G.

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