Nutrition as Medicine

Dozens of clinical studies have shown that optimizing nutrition and reducing stress slows and even reverses atherosclerosis. In other words, reversing or slowing endothelial dysfunction must be the cornerstone of therapy. One study that is quite impressive reported the following: The intervention group ate: Plant foods such as fruits, vegetables, […]

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blocked arteries

What To Do After Chelation Therapy

What happens if you take Chelation therapy and your chest pain disappears, you are able to walk up a mountain and you feel wonderful, as far as you’re concerned, you’re cured (NOT) So what will happens if you do nothing after Chelation therapy? Well, surely and slowly the disease process […]

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EDTA Chelation Therapy Helps Prevent Heart Attack and Strokes

EDTA can help prevent heart attacks and strokes, and the progression of cardiovascular diseases, circulatory and ambulatory problems, varicose veins, and many other conditions by inhibiting the formation of blood clots. EDTA inhibits blood clotting by binding to free radicals and unwanted mineral buildups, like calcium deposits. By increasing blood […]

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Treating Diabetes with Cardio Renew Chelation Therapy

Diabetes: Is a life-long disease characterized by high levels of sugar in the blood. It can be caused by too little insulin (a hormone produced by the pancreas to regulate blood sugar), a resistance to insulin, or both. Insulin is a hormone produced by the pancreas that helps glucose to […]

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Oral Chelation Therapy & Exercise

If you are on an oral chelation therapy course or not more and more studies suggest that just 20-30 minutes of brisk walking per day can pay excellent physical and mental health dividends. Most of us have experienced and understand the physical demands and sensations associated with a relatively short […]

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