Cleansing Options
Cardio Renew Foundation Pack
Our signature Cardio Renew Foundation Pack 6 week Chelation Course, it is intended for most people that require a standard system cleanse.
The 6 week course provides an initial system cleanse and offers a total of 90 grams of our pure liquid formula.
One Serving = 14 drops mixed with 2 oz. (1/4 cup) of a mineral free liquid (recommended: distilled water, juice)
Dosage: Take 5 servings per day, Cardio Renew Foundation Pack
We recommend to take a good quality Vitamin C and E throughout the foundation course, vitamin C & E helps keep the arteries more supple (elastic) make sure its a good quality, preferably a liquid or softgel for higher absorption qualities.
Requires 3 bottles of Cardio Renew.
After completing any Chelation course you should replenish your body with a good multi vitamin/mineral.
Other EDTA Cleansing Options
Extreme System Cleanse
The extreme system cleanse is intended for those that are currently experiencing severe health issues and need an extreme cleanse. Serving = 20 drops mixed with 2 oz. (1/4 cup)of a mineral free liquid such as distilled water or juice
Weeks 1 – 4 – Take 6 Servings Per Day.
Week 5 – A good Multi Mineral.
Week 6 – Repeat the Course.
* Requires 6 – 9 Bottles of Cardio Renew.
Preventative EDTA Course
This is our system cleanse intended for those that do not have any specific health issues but want to be proactive at preventing them.
Serving = 14 drops mixed with 2 oz. (1/4 cup) of a mineral free liquid or juice (recommended: distilled water)
Weeks 1 – 4 – Take 4 Servings Per Day.
Week 5 – A good Multi Mineral.
* Requires 2 – 3 Bottles of Cardio Renew.
System Guidelines
- You must wait 1 hour between each serving. Servings can be taken once every hour or spread throughout the day. Do not exceed 6 servings per day.
- Always wait 3 hours after taking any medication before taking Cardio Renew. Wait 2 hours after taking other Supplements.
- Wait 1 hour after taking a serving of Cardio Renew before taking any medications, supplements or eating food.
- Do not take Supplements containing Minerals (eg. calcium, magnesium, potassium, iron, etc.), including Multi-Vitamins (that contain Minerals). Vitamins (eg. B, D, A, etc.) are fine to take.
- Take servings on an empty stomach. When possible, wait 1-2 hours after eating a complete meal – for snacks wait 30 minutes.
- We recommend at least 1,000 mg of Vitamin C & 1,000 IU of Vitamin E daily. We suggest the Vitamins be taken with meals.
- Drink 6 – 8 glasses of water each day. Tap filtered water is fine.
- Store bottles at room temperature.