Chelation Shown to be Effective

Channel 5 – Chelation Therapy effective in heart cases

Chelation therapy seems to be slowly getting the recognition it deserves as more and more doctors discover the health benefits to those sufferinf from heart disease.

Dr Kalidas believes that Chelation should be part of an ongoing health regimen and said “I’ll be pushing this data to my patients, and I’ll be reaching out to local cardiologists, because chelation should be a part of the regular regimen for heart patients, like taking an aspirin or a statin,” said Dr Kirti Kalidas, who charges his heart patients in Orlando, Florida, around $3,000 for a full round of chelation treatments.

Oral Chelation is a lot more affordable with a six week course from Cardio Renew costing around €100, liquid oral Chelation is thought to have to closest absorption rate to IV Chelation.